Packaging & Food Contact Materials

Packaging & Food Contact Materials

NAWaL Analytical Laboratories Ensure The Safety & Quality Of The Packaging Materials, Which Are Used For Packaged Drinking Water And Packaged Natural Mineral Water By Analyzing The Following Essential Parameters As Per The Follow Standards

  • Containers for packaging of natural mineral water and packaged drinking water as per IS 15410 – 2003
  • Polyethylene flexible pouches
  • Plastic materials and articles intended to come in contact with food stuffs
  • Migration and portability testing for packaged materials (food & water)

    Essential tests at our laboratory for packaging materials are,

  • Air pressure leakage
  • Closure leakage
  • Design, Shape and Dimension
  • Drop Test
  • Finish & Appearance
  • Migration test
  • Migration test
  • Transparency
  • Vibration leakage
  • Wall thickness
  • Water Potability Test
  • Brimful Capacity
  • Material Identification
  • Dart Impact Resistance
  • Description
  • Elongation At Break [Lenth wise]
  • Elongation At Break Cross wise]
  • Odour
  • Overall Migration
  • Tensile Strength [Cross wise]
  • Tensile Strength [Lenth Wise]
  • Width
  • Thickness