
Water(Packaged Drinking Water And Packaged Natural Mineral Water)

Since, the quality of potable water directly affects the health of living bodies, it is mandatory to examine the quality of water .wit sate of the art equipment and expertise,nawal analytical laboratories provides testing services for all parameters as per the following standards.

Drinking water as per IS 10500 -1991/2012
  • Colour
  • Odour
  • Taste
  • Turbidity
  • Total dissolved solids
  • pH
  • Ammonia as NH3-N
  • Nitrate (as NO3-N)
  • Total Hardness as CaCO3
  • Fluoride as F
  • Chloride as Cl
  • Sulphate as SO4
  • Total Alkalinity as HCO3
  • Calcium (as Ca)
  • Magnesium (as Mg)
  • Residual Free Chlorine
  • Phenolic compounds (as C6 H5 OH)
  • Mineral Oil
  • Anionic surface active agents
  • (as MBAS)
  • Sulphide (as H2S)
  • Boron (as B)
  • Cyanide (as CN)
  • Barium (as Ba)
  • Copper (as Cu)
  • Zinc (as Zn)
  • Silver (as Ag)
  • Aluminum ( as Al)
  • Selenium (as Se)
  • Iron (as Fe)
  • Manganese (as Mn)
  • Mercury (as Hg)
  • Arsenic (as As)
  • Cadmium (as Cd)
  • Lead (as Pb)
  • Chromium (as Cr)
  • Nickel (as Ni)
  • Poly nuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (as PAH),
  • Polychlorinated Biphenyl
  • (as PCB)
  • Alachlor
  • Aldrin
  • BHC alpha isomer
  • BHC beta isomer
  • BHC delta isomer
  • BHC gamma isomer
  • Butachlor
  • Chlorpyrifos
  • DDD, o,p'
  • DDD, p,p
  • DDE, o,p'
  • DDE, p,p'
  • DDT, o,p
  • DDT, p,p'
  • Endosulfan (α - isomer)
  • Endosulfan (β - isomer)
  • Endosulfan sulfate
  • Ethion
  • Malathion
  • Malaoxon
  • Monocrotophos
  • Methyl Paraoxon
  • Parathion Methyl
  • Atrazine
  • Dieldrin
  • Phorate sulphone
  • Phorate
  • 2,4 – D
  • Isoproturon
  • Phorate Sulfoxide
  • Total pesticide residue
  • E.Coli
  • Coliform
  • Chloramines as Cl2
  • Molybdenum as Mo
  • Bromoform
  • Dibromochloromethane
  • Bromodichloromethane
  • Chloroform,
  • Gamma – HCH(Lindane),
  • Chloramines as Cl2
  • Molybdenum as Mo

  • Packaged drinking as per IS 14543 – 2004

    Packaged Natural mineral water as per IS 13428 – 2005

    Water for food Processing industries as Per 4251 -1967

  • Colour
  • Odour
  • pH
  • Turbidity
  • Total Dissolved Solids
  • Chloride (as Cl)
  • Copper (as Cu)
  • Fluoride (as F)
  • Iron (as Fe)
  • Magnesium (as Mg)
  • Manganese (as Mn)
  • Nitrate (as NO3)
  • Phenolic compounds (as C6 H5 OH)
  • Selenium (as Se)
  • Sulphate ( as SO4)
  • Total Hardness (as CaCO3)
  • Cadmium (as Cd)
  • Cyanide (as CN)
  • Lead (as Pb)
  • Mercury (as Hg)
  • Total Arsenic (as As)
  • Hexavalent Chromium
  • Zinc as Zn
  • Coliform
  • Standard Plate Count
  • Proteolytic and Lipolytic organisms Combined count
  • Slime forming bacteria
  • Colour
  • Odour
  • pH
  • Turbidity
  • Total Dissolved Solids
  • Chloride (as Cl)
  • Copper (as Cu)
  • Fluoride (as F)
  • Iron (as Fe)
  • Magnesium (as Mg)
  • Manganese (as Mn)
  • Nitrate (as NO3)
  • Phenolic compounds (as C6 H5 OH)
  • Selenium (as Se)
  • Sulphate ( as SO4)
  • Total Hardness (as CaCO3)
  • Cadmium (as Cd)
  • Cyanide (as CN)
  • Lead (as Pb)
  • Mercury (as Hg)
  • Total Arsenic (as As)
  • Hexavalent Chromium
  • Zinc as Zn
  • Coliform
  • Standard Plate Count
  • Proteolytic and Lipolytic organisms Combined count
  • Slime forming bacteria

  • 98/83 – EC guidelines

  • Colour
  • Odour
  • Hydrogen ion concentration
  • Taste
  • Turbidity
  • Aluminum
  • Ammonia(as total ammonia-N)
  • Iron as Fe
  • Conductivity @ 20ºC
  • Nitrite as NO2
  • Colony count @ 22ºC
  • Colony count @ 37ºC
  • Coliform
  • Escherichia coli
  • Clostridium perfringens
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Enterococci

  • The following mandatory parameters are opted for analysis of packaged drinking water & packaged natural mineral water to ensure the safety and quality consumption under chemical & biological testing fields.

    Physical & Chemical Parameters

  • Physical & Chemical Parameters As Per Respective National /International Standards
  • Organo Chlorine & Organo Phosphorus Pesticide Residues (Ocs&Ops)
  • Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Pahs)
  • Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls (Pcbs
  • Toxic & Heavy Metal
  • Anthracene
  • Benz(a)Anthaacene
  • Benz(a)Pyrene
  • Benz(b)Fluranthene
  • Benz(g,h,i)Perylene
  • Benz(k)Fluranthene
  • Chrysene
  • Dibenz(a,h) Anthracene
  • Fluoanthene
  • Naphthalene
  • Phenanthrene
  • Pyrene
  • Acenaphthene
  • Acenapththylene
  • Bromate
  • Fluorene
  • Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene

  • Biological Parameters

  • Escherichia coli
  • Enterococci
  • Salmonella
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Shigella
  • Vibrio cholera
  • Vibrio parahemolyticus
  • Clostridium perfringens
  • Bacillus cereus
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Listeria
  • Sulphite reducing anaerobes
  • Total plate counts
  • Total coliform
  • Yeast & mould
  • Standard Plate Count IS 1622: 1981
  • Clostridium perfringens ISO 14189: 2013
  • Clostridium perfringens (Including spores) IS 13428 (Annexure C) : 2005
  • Clostridium perfringens (Including spores) ISO 14189: 2013
  • Clostridium welchi IS 1622: 1981
  • Coliforms IS 15185: 2016
  • Coliforms ISO 9308: 2014
  • Coliforms ISO 9308: 2014
  • Colony count @ 37°C ISO 6222: 1999
  • Colony count@ 22 °C ISO 6222: 1999
  • Enterococcus (Faecal streptococci) IS 15186: 2002
  • Enterococcus (Faecal streptococci) ISO 7899-2: 2000
  • Enterococcus (Faecal streptococci) ISO 7899-2: 2000
  • Escherichia coli IS 1622: 1981
  • Escherichia coli IS 1622: 1981
  • Escherichia coli IS 15185: 2016
  • Escherichia coli ISO 9308 : 2014
  • Escherichia coli ISO 9308 : 2014
  • Gelatin Liquifying Bacteria IS 1622: 1981
  • Iron bacteria IS 1622: 1981
  • Legionella APHA 22 9260 j: 1992
  • MS2 phage USEPA 1602: 2001
  • Phytoplankton IS 1622: 1981
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa IS 13428: 2005
  • Salmonella Is 15187: 2016
  • Slime forming bacteria IS 1622: 1981
  • Sulfate reducing bacteria IS 1622: 1981
  • Sulfur bacteria IS 1622: 1981
  • Thermotolerent Coliforms (Faecal Coliforms) IS 1622: 1981
  • Thermotolerent Coliforms (Faecal Coliforms) Is 1622: 1981
  • Total Coliforms bacteria Is 1622: 1981
  • Total Coliforms bacteria Is 1622: 1981
  • Total Plate Count APHA 22 edition: 1992
  • Zooplankton IS 1622: 1981