Soya bean & its Products

Soya bean and its products
  • Lectin gene
  • Lectin gene (SYBR method)
  • NOS terminator
  • CaMV 35S promoter and NOS terminator
  • Cry1Ab/Ac gene
  • FMV promoter
  • BAR gene
  • CaMV 35S promoter
  • CTP2:CP4-EPSPS gene
  • Otp/mEPSPS gene
  • Qualitative Real-Time PCR test (SYBR method) CTP2: CTP4-EPSPS gene, BAR gene PAT gene nptII gene
  • Soya Event FG72 (GT27)
  • Soya Event A2704-12
  • Soya Event A5547-127
  • Soya Event DAS-44406
  • Soya Event DP-305423
  • Soya Event GTS-40-3-2
  • Soya Event MON89788
  • Soya Meal

  • Acid Insoluble Ash
  • Adhered Soil
  • Admixture
  • Ash
  • Crude Fat
  • Crude Fiber
  • Crude Protein
  • Dead /live Insect
  • Discoloration
  • Dry Matter
  • Foreign Matter
  • Free Fatty Acid as Oleic acid
  • Glass
  • Insect
  • Khapra beetle
  • Metal
  • Moisture
  • Mould
  • Mould
  • Musty Mouldy or other objectionable odour
  • Nitrogen Solubility Index
  • Noxious weeds or Weed seed
  • Odour
  • Peroxide Value
  • Protein Dispersibility Index
  • Protein Solubility (In KOH)
  • Purity
  • Self Heating
  • Size
  • Stones
  • Trypsin Inhibitor Unit
  • Urease Activity
  • Vetch/Khesari Dal
  • Water Activity
  • Weevilled Grain
  • Soya Bean

  • Acid Value
  • Damaged / Split
  • Discoloration
  • Green Seed
  • Immature
  • Insect
  • Khapra beetle
  • Khesari Dal
  • Moisture
  • Mould
  • Musty Odour
  • Oil content
  • Other Edible Grains
  • Protein
  • Purity
  • Rodent
  • Shriveled
  • Weed Seed
  • Weevilled Seed
  • Textured Soya Protein

  • Acid Insoluble Ash
  • Ash
  • Colour
  • Fat
  • Fiber
  • Moisture
  • Protein
  • Smell & Taste
  • Urease Activity